Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Why I'm a Libertarian Populist

This was a recent email blast to friends and family.  Thought it was worthwhile to start compiling some of the good stuff I am hearing about Libertarian Populism.  Here was the email:

As for why I'm a Libertarian-Populist, I'll let these folks explain.  They do a very good job.
http://bit.ly/1aIbG2d - Timothy Carney - Libertarian Populism

"The game is rigged against the regular guy in America today. And it’s rigged in favor of big business, the politically connected, and the wealthy."

Carney may be the best spokesman for this idea.  He writes books and columns on business/government cronyism among Republicans and Democrats.  He is not partisan along the current left/right spectrum, but more along the big/small spectrum.
http://bit.ly/12wuigi - Conn Carroll - Economic Populism

"Ultimately, the basic prescription for the GOP is a healthy dose of economic populism... This includes a lot of changes Democrats would presumably enjoy, such as jettisoning the pro-big business, Wall Street-style conservatism that characterized the Romney campaign."

This article outlines some of the main policy points of a Libertarian-Populist agenda.  I essentially agree with all of these.  This agenda isn't inherently a GOP agenda, especially with regards to a McCain/Graham/Romney/Bush type GOP.  
I guess the reason these policies are usually approached from the Republican side of the isle is because they more closely match up with a small-government concept.  However, the recent GOP has violated that basic principle again and again.  Some of the best current politicians supporting these ideas are Rand Paul (Sen-KY), Justin Amash (Rep-MI), Mike Lee (Sen-UT), and Ted Cruz (Sen-TX).
http://herit.ag/10XXbRg - Mike Lee UT Senator - What Conservatives are For
"The essence of human freedom, of civilization itself, is cooperation."

Libertarianism-Populism (some overlaps to "Conservatism") isn't an "Ayn Rand everyone on their own view of the world", but a picture of voluntary cooperation among communities.  The illustration of a Libertarianism that is in favor of "No Roads, No Schools, Wild West, Every Man for Himself" is a straw man.  This idea is used by the powerful and connected to make themselves rich using the current, corrupt system.  This is the entitled class that hurts most Americans due to their cronyism, taxation and competition killing action.  This is the class that Libertarian-Populism is designed to de-throne.

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